BK Classes English - 2017

BK Classes English - 2017

  • How to Use Time Effectively in MADHUBAN - Dr. Shrimant - 02/10/2017

  • The deep Meaning of "OM" - Sis. Suman - 02/10/2017

  • Que-Ans and Experience with Senior Sisters - 03/10/2017

  • Entering the Journey from om to omshanti - Sis. Meera - 03/10/2017

  • Diving Deep into Silence - Bro. Ramnath - 04/10/2017

  • Drawing experiences from the past for present effort - Didi Nirmala - 04/10/2017

  • Overcoming Obstacles - Sis. Vedanti - 05/10/2017

  • Increasing the power of concentration - Bro. Surya - 06/10/2017

  • Deepening my Avyakt Experience - Sudesh Didi - 06/10/2017

  • Experiencing being merged in Bapdada's Love - Sis. Hemlata - 08/10/2017

  • Revision of Murli (8/10/2018) - Sis. Jayanti - 09/10/2017

  • Dealing with sanskars in the self and in others - Bro. Brijmohan - 10/10/2017

  • Inspiring Personal Stories - Panel Session - 11/10/2017

  • The Deep Secrets of the Cycle - Bro. Ken - 14/10/2017

  • Facing impossible situations with Success - Bro. Marcelo - 15/10/2017

  • Personality of Purity - Dr. Savita - 15/10/2017

  • Spiritual Reengineering - Dr. Sachin - 14/10/2017

  • Class for Meditation - Bro. Ramnath - 31/10/2017

  • The Spiritual Journey (Panel Session) - 01/11/2017

  • Entering the Journey of Silence - Sis. Rajni - 02/11/2017

  • Balance of Karma and Yoga - A Experience - Bro. Satyanarayan - 02/11/2017

  • Om to Om Shanti - Sis. Manju - 02/11/2017

  • Entering and Centering - (Panel Session) - 03/11/2017

  • Que-Ans with Senior Sisters - 03/11/2017

  • Awakening to the Awareness of Omshanti - BK Dr. Sachin - 04/11/2017

  • "Our Ancestors" Foundation of Om Shanti - Sis. Suman - 05/11/2017

  • Memories of Didi Manmohini - BK Raju Bhai - 06/11/2017

  • Evening Class - Rajyogini Dadi Janki ji - 06/11/2017

  • Calming the Elements with Yoga and Sakash - Sis. Sudha - 06/11/2017

  • Realizing your full potential through connection - Didi Nirmala - 07/11/2017

  • Explore the subtle aspects of faith - Bro Brij Mohan - 09/11/2017

  • Experiencing All Relationships with Baba - BK Asha Didi - 10/11/2017

  • Review of Avyakt Murli (10th Oct) & Que-Ans - Sis. Sheilu - 11/11/2017

  • Experiencing Peace with All Relationships - Sis. Santosh - 12/11/2017

  • Slowing down for Deeper Transformation - Sis. Morni - 13/11/2017

  • Valuing Yourself - (Panel Discussion) : Moderator Judy Johnson - 14/11/2017

  • Service by using practice Meditation - BK Chandrika (Morbi, Gujarat) - 14/11/2017

  • What is the deeper reason why you take on spiritual practice - Sis. Denise - 15/11/2017

  • Sustaining the Practice of "OM" in our Practical Life - BK Surya - 23/12/2017

  • Ques & Ans with Didi Nirmala & Sis. Sheilu (Welcome Session) - 23/12/2017

  • Creating Newness with In - Dr. Sachin (G.S.) - 24/12/2017

  • Centering Creating Inner Stability to remain Centered - Sis. Gopi - 24/12/2017

  • Christmas Celebration in Gyan Sarovar - 25/12/2017

  • Deepening Yoga - Sweetness of Introversion - Sis. Alka (UK) - 26/12/2017

  • Evening Class and Meeting with Dadi Janki Ji - 26/12/2017

  • Tools to experiment with the purity of the Self - Didi Nirmala - 27/12/2017

  • Deepening Yoga - Interest to have unlimited disinterest - Sis. Dipti - 27/12/2017

  • God and Drama - Sis. Usha - 28/12/2017

  • Deepening Yoga Renunciation for Tapasya - Sis. Meera - 28/12/2017

  • Sustaining a Close Relationship with GOD - BK Sushma Didi - 29/12/2017

  • The Art of Heart to Heart - Asha Didi - 29/12/2017

  • Experiencing God - Interview with Brij Mohan Bhai - 30/12/2017

  • Experiencing Avyakt Sustenance - Sushma Didi - 31/12/2017

  • Entering and Centering (Conversation Session) with Sis. Rosemary and Sis. Suman - 03/12/2017

  • Ques & Ans with Didi Nirmala & Sis. Sheilu (Welcome Session) - 04/12/2017

  • The Story of OM - Sis. Sheilu - 04/12/2017

  • Om Mandali & Its Significance for us Today - Br. Brij Mohanji - 04/12/2017

  • Revision of the Avyakt Murli (5th Dec 2017) - BK Surya Bhai - 06/12/2017